Trip Summary Post
The London Brand Trip was an experience I will forever remember; everything from tours to museums to Warner Brothers studios beat my expectations of what this trip would be. I would take a course like this over the summer term, including travel. Although I have visited London several times, I truly enjoyed this trip the most. During my visit, I got to see everything in London and many new places and experiences. The first day was exhausting, but after some well-deserved rest, our groups adjusted. We were introduced to our perception of the London Brand on our first day. We visited a PR company, Mike Worldwide, which was an extremely informative experience. We learned a little background on the culture in the UK, working within the UK, and working with other countries, including the US. As someone who has worked on a marketing team in the US, the information we discussed was accurate about how Americans write emails, take vacations, and, more importantly, the work-life balance. Ou...