
On Thursday, our group headed over to Windsor to explore the town and tour Windsor Castle. Following the tour and exploration, my friends and I explored the town of Windsor. We enjoyed some afternoon tea and then headed back on the later afternoon train back to Paddington.
Exploring Windsor castle was a very enjoyable time. We had gone to the State Apartments and watched the changing of the guards. For privacy reasons, I was not able to take many photos inside of Windsor Castle, although I did have a few of the exterior!
My friends and I had afternoon tea, did some shopping, and got back on the train. 


Later this afternoon, our groups dispersed on their own, and I was able to meet with a family friend who lives just outside of London. I took the tube to Leicester Square, where we met outside a pub. We explored Chinatown and then transitioned into Soho. My friend, Megan, showed me famous pubs and bars in the area. Many of the old-fashioned piba have turned into more hip, upbeat gastropubs. This is because the audience in the Soho area has changed drastically.


The change in audience shows me how important the concept of "target audience". Years ago, old-fashioned pubs were filled with locals and often "off the beaten path." Now, the concept of gastropubs has taken over, reaching a much younger and different audience in the Soho area. This is true of many districts in different cities all over the world!


Then, we circled back to Chinatown, and I decided to get something to eat. After my meal, I went to grab my phone and realised that it had been stolen from the table I was sitting at. I was very upset to see the camera footage of a woman entering the restaurant and swiping my phone off the table. This caused a lot of stress and held up my afternoon, which I would have liked to have spent with my family friend. Fortunately, I was able to purchase a temporary phone for the duration of the trip.


This incident did upset me and cause a lot of stress for me and Megan, but at the end of the day, I can take a lesson out of this experience and understand how to be more aware.

I am looking forward to our final day and last few hours in London. Overall, I have had an amazing trip and have made so many new memories. 


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